Treatment Criteria for Addictive, Substance-Related, and Co-occurring Conditions

The ASAM Criteria - Print Version

The ASAM Criteria, Fourth Edition, is a comprehensive set of guidelines that use a holistic, person-centered approach to developing treatment plans for patients with addiction and co-occurring conditions.
The revised standards have been crafted using a rigorous methodology for scientific evidence review and consensus development. The result is an update that is easier to understand and apply for improved patient care.
New in this edition:
- Color-coding system organizes information into easily identifiable sections, facilitating quicker access to key content
- Redesigned charts and graphics distill complex concepts into simpler, clearer explanations
- Updated guidelines reflect the current state of scientific evidence and clinical practice, and integrate more person-centered considerations when assessing level of care
The ASAM Criteria - Digital Version

The digital version brings the full value of The ASAM Criteria to life in an engaging and accessible interface. With an intuitive, user-friendly design and practical features, the digital edition can be an essential tool for your practice.
Key features:
- Copy-and-paste exact language from the Dimensional Admission Criteria to expedite the authorization process
- Custom tools allow you to highlight and bookmark content, create notes, and organize important information into folders
- Contextually relevant expert videos, case studies, and resources provide insights and support for using the standards with your patients
- Regular updates deliver new supplementary resources as they become available
- Free annual ASAM updates provided as they become available